Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Pressies!

It's the end of the year and it's the time I reward myself with some goodies; celebrating both my birthday and Christmas all in one *smiles* Also, not forgetting the birthday of my dear BlackBerry - 1 year old this year! Spent everything under the budget, which is good... Since I am not going home this year for my birthday and Christmas, it's decent to spend something for me, myself and I.

~Happy Birthday BlackBerry!~
...a new, black and hard casing for you...

~Happy Birthday to me~
...a be-early Tropicana Life wallet for me...
(actually been wanting to get one for 3 years now)

~I wish myself Merry Christmas~
...when I am not home for Christmas, I tend to buy myself a small gift to remind me how many times I was away. my first gift was a small xmas tree that sings, which is now back home. this year, I got myself a snowman snowglobe...


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