Sunday, February 17, 2008


Finally I decided to get myself a pair of colour contact lens; of course thanks to the 'ang pow' money collected throughout Chinese New Year. There were promotions in TheSpring and Boulevard. Brought my mum along to help me choose the colour and wanted Baby Aqua but it was out of stock. I was told that the new stock would be coming in within a day or two. So, I left my contact and waited...

A day later, they called! Paid RM50 for a pair which will last for 3 months... many to choose from...

Yesterday, I opened the contact lens and wore them to church...and I walked through blank looks from people around me. SIGH~ They must be thinking that I am weird. Even my brother, Aaron said, 'Hantu!' when he saw me with the blue eyes. Nah~ it's cool though!

Took pictures of myself with the blue eyes...
time to syok sendiri mah!


1 comment:

In the World of My Own said...

niceeeeee!!! hehehe pretty pretty...should wear contacts! no more glasses!!!!