Thursday, February 14, 2008


To clarify here, I am not a fan of Stephen Chow's works ever since I find Shaolin Soccer (2001) and Kungfu Hustle (2004) were over comedic and non-realistic at all and especially the 'not so great' graphics as I thought it would be. His films are also very predictable (proven when I foresee the story without watching them)...and a few had asked me to watch CJ7 and I turned down saying, 'I'm not a fan of Stephen Chow and I don't like to watch his films'!

That was only until yesterday where I went for CJ7 with Adeline at Star Cineplex. sigh~ I could see sweats on both sides of my forehead even before I purchased the tickets but thinking that I'm a media student and watching weird films are a part of my studies, I took the 'risk' of watching CJ7.

CJ7 also known as Cheung Gong 7 Hou was a 90 minute film in Cantonese (lucky me I understand Cantonese coz the guy in front of me blocked the entire subtitles). Directed and written and starred by Stephen Chow himself along with a new starlet playing Dicky Chow; the boy - she's very talented though. I was first attracted to the actings of the boys and girls on screen - very talented (wonder when will Malaysia films feature talented children in it...). When the alien came along, I was quite amazed with the graphics and effects used and it featured the alien which looks rather real. *at least improvements are seen in HK film industry...Malaysia's film industry is still at the standstill* And for this film, Chow showed audiences more values than his previous films.

I have to admit that CJ7 is a good film, a great one from Chow. Looking forward to see his works in the future...

'We are poor. We do not lie, nor steal, nor use foul words. We do not take things that doesn't belong to us...' (CJ7, 2008)

p/s: the cinema is finally computerized with an LCD screen showing movie time, computer screens for seats and printed movie tickets!

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