Friday, August 8, 2008

How JCLA helps...

I'm glad and grateful to be given the opportunity to be one of the inductees of John Curtin Leadership Academy. Imagine 2000 students in Curtin and I am one of the 16 students selected to be in this academy. Along with another 15 inductees, we are the first badge to this academy. How JCLA helps?

In a lot of ways...
I met new friends. I met facilitators from Perth; Ian, Nathan, Jarrad and Linda. I met facilitators from Sarawak campus; Haslina, Serena and Terrence. I worked with strangers who are good leaders. I worked with people of all walks of life. I worked with my housemate...hah~

JCLA gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself, my leadership skills, my patience. JCLA also gave me a chance to organize fundraising to help the communities in the rural area in Miri. JCLA gave me a peek into a the working world (after leaving the working world, I'm rusted). JCLA just gave me a feeling of home; people are nice and friendly and homely.

~John Curtin Leadership Academy~

p/s: I still haven't post up the JCLA post. Will be up soon. Stay tune~!

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