Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blackout in Sarawak~

Surprisingly, the entire Sarawak was in total darkness on the night of 9th August. It started from Kuching and effected all along Sarawak until it reached Miri at about 7.30pm. Where was I, you may wonder?... 

I was in campus, Resource Center for Project Care dance practice and meeting. Five out of eight were in the room, practicing until the lights started flickering and it all went dark. *sweats* There was an emergency light just on top of us but it went on for only 5 minutes and later, we were left inside with only my laptop as a source of light. Outside was also in total darkness - we could see nothing, no one was around. It only took a while for the bugs to fly around my laptop and I had no choice but to turn it off, leaving us with only our handphone lights. Johan read aloud a message he got from a friend in Kuching who told us that Kuching was having a blackout, and only then, I called my parents (but couldn't get through) and later to Aaron and found out that Kuching was out too. News came in and we realize that it was the whole Sarawak.

Quite a long while later, a friend came to towards our room and asked if we were alright. He even mentioned that we should not play around in that room *creepy*. I walked out and found a whole bunch of CV! members standing at the drop off area with 4 car lights lighting the area. It was kind of Raymond to send me to the car. It was awfully scary that time. Got the car and picked up the others. We left campus, sending the others back and went home ourselves.

More to come...
Our gate is an automatic gate - powered by electricity - meaning no electricity = no gate to open! We had to climb in from the 'pagar' and opened the door and left the car outside. We were hungry. With a small candle in the kitchen, we decided to cook maggie mee with 6 pieces of sausages and only after eating, I realize that I was sweating all over; all thanks to myself for cooking curry mee in soup (imagine it's spicy and hot and there's no fan!)

It was quite an experience. We went through JCLA's risk management in the dark until roughly about 10pm, the lights came back. First thing, AIRCOND~! hahahaha~ News came out in the internet that night itself. I bought newspaper the next day. 

But thankfully, nothing bad happened throughout the blackout. Everything was fine...
Imagine life without electricity...

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