Friday, January 18, 2008

Got tagged...again! tagged again and this time was by Adrienne
*sorry,'s like a month after you tagged me! :)

list 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people

1. This is my second tag in blogspot and this time I won't tag anyone because it will be the same people in my list and hopefully I won't be tagged again because I will not know what more to write about me.

2. I'm a Chinese girl who doesn't speak nor write Mandarin/Cantonese and even Henghua/Khek (my dialect)... Quite 'memalukan' but it's just not me to learn these languages but after three years of seeing myself looking like a fool with people who are well verse in these languages, I finally decided to take up intensive course to brush up my very broken language.

3. It takes a while...I mean...a long time for me to know new people. I tend to be very slow in starting a conversation with a stranger but once I got the hang of the topic, it will be endless!

4. I moved houses many times.
- First home in Jln Stephen Yong to my dad's shop in Padungan
- Padungan to new home in Jln Stapok
- Kuching to Waizuri 1 (college hostel) in Wangsa Maju, KL
- Waizuri 1 to Section 4 (flats), Wangsa Maju, KL
- Section 4 to Happy Mansion (apartment), PJ Section 17
- Happy Mansion to Kuching
- Kuching to Lakeside Apartment (university hostel), Miri
- Lakeside Apartment to a house in Senadin, Miri

5. Love Kuching with all my heart and all my soul. Love the food, the people, the environment and of course, my room! But...after having a long 3 months holiday of 'keboringan' at home with nothing better than msn'ing, blogging, facebook'ing, friendster'ing, neopet'ing and changing parking coupons every hour, I wanna go away!!!

6. Love being a tour guide...specifically, a Kuching tour guide. I had already have four series of customers, I tend to know everything in Kuching; food, places of interest... inside out. One thing I can assure you - I'm a tour guide with a live GPS!

7. Videography and Photography are my passion. Love taking videos of everything and edits them when I'm free (that's when I'm really free) and add up into my video collection. Since I had my Nikon D40 SLR, I love taking photographs and soon find another interest; photoshop'ing!

8. Can't wait to have my Diploma graduation ceremony soon and can't wait to complete my Degree and off to work! Enjoying every bit of my schooling time before embarking on a lifetime of working 24/7.

*sorry, not tagging anyone here!*

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