Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Friday with JCLA!

There will be 'A Friday with JCLA' organized by the John Curtin Leadership Academy participants on:

This campaign - a joint event by all 22 participants aims to create awareness among Curtin'ians on the community service projects and research for non-governmental organizations such as Sarawak Society for the Blind, Sarawak Children's Cancer Society, Peryatim and the self-initiated groups such as Project Care, Fortissimo and MWWT.

Here are the program details for the event:

The JCLA Telematch is a combination of 5 games, where four of which will be done 'BLINDFOLDED'! (Walking with a cane, Dressing Up, Pour the Tea and Football).

Great prizes awaits!

Hope to see you there!!!

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