Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It was again...another year celebrating the 'joyous' occasion here in Malaysia - Merdeka Day - on the 31st August every year. Sometimes I wonder why this day is so important to Malaysians, as I feel it's like any other day of the year. But, when we look back 53 years ago, it was the most memorable day for our grandparents and our parents' generation to finally have Malaysia as an independent country. But, is this spirit still alive in the newer generation? I wonder...

Anyway, enough of story-morey. It was like any ordinary weekend to me. I spent the morning in the gym and later I met Yuki Lai, a friend from university in Sunway Pyramid. The last time we met was a year ago before we departed from Miri to head on with our career. We had a long talk over lunch at Ole-Ole. There were so many things to talk and to share about each other. It was so great to see her again.

...our infamous syok sendiri photo...

I had to leave while Yuki was heading for a movie. We bid farewell and hope to see her again some day; either in China or in Malaysia *smiles*. I drove to office to meet Lynn and Angie for lunch at a Vietnamese Restaurant @ Tropicana City Mall. So much that I hate Vietnamese food, I finally found coffee that is better than Starbucks!

...Vietnamese Drip Coffee with Milk...

We had such a long talk over lunch until it was time to meet Sok Peng and Pikky for a movie - Step Up 3. We 'seludup' **** (something to be kept to ourselves) in to eat during the movie and it was...a GREAT MOVIE indeed!

...Step Up 3...

Whoever is into dance, this is one hell of a movie to watch. The dance move is so amazing that it will blow you away. I was fascinated with the choreography of the battles and the music are just awesome. Though the story is very predictable, I was very much concentrating on the dances. It's a movie worth watching...even a few times.

We headed to Craft Brews for a drink and snacks. I finally ordered my Green Monster Lager and it was ~not bad~ but the food there was great! We sat there, drinking, eating, gossiping for hours and only at about 1am, we decided to head home.

...the menu...

...the promotion...

Merdeka? It's just like any ordinary day. Nothing much to hoo-haa about anymore unless certain things in this country change for the better. I do pray that one day, I will be able to see this country as how it was portrayed in history 53 years ago...that I will be proud to call myself a true Malaysian.

Like any other year on the 31st August, this is how I spend this 'historic' day...

Happy Merdeka to all fellow Malaysians out there!

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