Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Call for Celebration~!

Date: 18th November 2008

A Time for Celebration!!!

Final exams are all O.V.E.R! After looking at how hardworking and dedicated my housemate, Catherine was for the past three weeks, sitting on her desk, meddling with all her lecture notes, tutorial sheets and formulaes...and myself, of course, doing nothing for the first week and only later in the week I started my one and only final paper's revision, it's all O.V.E.R! No more stressful atmosphere in our study room, no more endless supply of coffee, no more late nights over studying - no more for the rest of the three months holiday~!

Well, I only have a paper whereas Catherine had 5 papers and yet, she finishes her paper first coz my paper was at 5.30pm! It was the time where our stomach cried out for food, the time where our eyes are in the process of shutting down...and there I was, taking my exam.

The moment I submitted my paper, I was like flying in the air~ *ya, ya, too dramatic, eh?* So, went home and planned out for the night.

Plan A - McDonalds for dinner
Headed to Bintang Plaza - and gosh, we hadn't been there for a long time, so many things changed - but first, we went to get ourselves movie tickets. So ordered food at McDonalds and had a nice meal there. 

Plan B - Madagascar 2
Went to Sugarbun and bought popcorns - their popcorns are way better than the ones in the cinema - and later, went for a short walk around Bintang Plaza and off to the movie. It was hilarious and a great sequel. Love it to bits! The cinema was just full with laughters. No doubt, this is one movie that you should not miss!

...I like to move it, move it...

Plan C - Island
Well, this wasn't part of the plan but yeah~ we had a chill-out time in Island and there were only like 2 customers there. Hahaha...we were also able to request for songs. So, sat there, chit chat for about an hour. 

Plan D - Madagascar 1
Hahaha...upon watching Madagascar 2 in the cinema, we went home, and had a marathon for Madagascar 1 - it was all great! Thanks Gerain for all the movies you borrowed us!

The celebration we had upon completion of this semester. Indeed, it was one hell of a semester but all things must come to an end - and it just did! YEA~



kyRa said...

i haven't started with my exam yet!!! bad gal show off ur holidays.. **cry**

kaYren said...

when are u starting and finishing ur exam? so late one?