Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When team members are down; one-by-one

After the Long Makabar trip and after Curtin Carnival, one-by-one, Project Care members are getting sick. It started from Gerain whom we sent to MCMC for checkup a week before leaving to Long Makabar and then it was me, having terribly bad cough, flu and fever. It was a terrible trip for me in Long Makabar, coughing my head off and had to control myself during the shoots. When we got back to Miri, preparing for Curtin Carnival, Catherine started to have cough, and really bad cough. 2 days before the carnival, Suhas was down with fever and during the carnival, Ming Yi was getting sick...

...2 days after the carnival, I received a call from Suhas. He was admitted to Columbia Asia hospital for dengue fever! The next day, Ming Yi went for her check-up and also was found with dengue fever but not severe!

We're still wondering... 'where did this dengue fever come from?'

Just as a precaution, everyone in our team were advice to be careful and take good care of ourselves. A slight fever and off to hospital.

For now, the team has to carry on with our project. 
Get well Suhas and Ming Yi~!

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