Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Randomness in the Office

...randomness in the office...
picture taken by Lynn Wong

When everyone is stressing at work, we do crazy and weird stuff to destress ourselves. Not to mention now (at this moment) there's drilling, hammering and screwing in the office, right in front of my face. It's annoying and noise polluting but what to do~ With shoots coming up this weekend, and locations suddenly back off, stress comes through my veins. But, I'm looking forward to the shoot for this project called 'CLEVER!'


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Stress at work" is everywhere, there is no way we're going to get rid of it or rather 'zero-rise' it BUT if its properly handled it can be minimize or even make a U-Turn which is from a negative perspective to a positive one! CHEER UP girl!!!

Mummy Rose