Friday, January 22, 2010


Am I?

I have been 'unemployed' (better than 'jobless') for the past one month and it's been such a boring month where I sleep, eat, msn'ing, googl'ing, facebook'ing, blog'ing and of course, job hunting! Been applying for a lot of vacancies and time tends to move so slow when it comes to the waits...

Was called in for interview in a production house and a week later, I got the call that I was accepted for the job. But due to transportation constrain, I declined the job.

Later on the same day, I was called up for another interview but this time, it was a total different line of work! Yes, I finally made up my mind to try something away from production (and I seriously mean away from production!). Did a short 70 minutes test and later was the interview. Had a good interview, though...and it was time for the decision. YES! I've decided to take up the job!

To digest the decisions I made, I took a train to Times Square to catch a movie...

Watched 'Tooth Fairy' at 2.20pm in GSC Times Square and funny thing was, when the credit rolls out after the show, I began to wonder when it'll be the time where my name appears in movie credits in the cinema... is it still a long wait to go?

Well, I've made up my mind. For the next 3 months, things will be different and what comes after, I shall figure that out later...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, and we are all happy for you for taking up this work opportunity which is totally different from what you have been doing. Pursuing something new is a good thing and with your strong will, determination & commitment, we belief that you can do it!! Cheers to you girl......

Mummy & Daddy, Kg