Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Director Phobia = Fear of directing a film/movie

Today, the verdict on whose Music Video is to be made was being announced and once again *drums roll* mine was chosen~! 'That's good!' most people will say but for me 'That's disastrous!' Let me rephrase...not only my Music Video treatment was chosen to work on the production, but, my Commercial treatment, my minor documentary treatment and my major documentary treatment were all chosen to be made into a video...in just this semester!!!

...people's reaction to me this whole semester...

I'm not quite sure of it myself whether this is a good thing or not but, I am currently suffering from 'DIRECTOR PHOBIA' because I directed the Sundrop Commercial, the Sharp Shooter Minor Documentary and now, will be directing Jason Lo's Old Newspaper Music Video!!! HELL!!! *sweats* Lucky me that I am out of directing for my Hezekiah's Rhythm Major Documentary, thanks to Stephanie who is willing to help me out for this one~~~!

...my stress and miserable look now...

I'm not sure what I should feel at this moment - happy or miserable - but I just can't wait to finish this hell of a semester so that I'll be off from production projects at least for a month. Need rest, lots and lots of rests.

Looking forward for the production and hope that all goes well~!
...will be suffering from DIRECTOR PHOBIA for the next 4 weeks...

1 comment:

Alex Kuek said...


make sure u keep copies of it...include in your CV/resume.....

later can show potential employers of your works...

Later before u send any CV to anyone can send to me to let choulyee go through it since she worked in the headhunting field. SHe can comment and correct to improve the CV (put in more power mower words!)

hehe...gud luck and all the best!